Since the day this movie released, I have been planning to watch it..
Many ppl have highly recommended and rating for this movie..
Even the tickets sold rate are as high as Harry Potter..
Therefore, if u have no chance to watch it, better get one DVD for urself and ur family too.. ^_^
We watched 3D for this..cost Rm18 each person..Well, *This is just ONE TIME A PERIOD..>.<*
Moreever, the 3D effect might not as intense as I expected..
Since there is no timing for 2D that suit us..have no choice to take a try on 3D^^
It's hard to have such long smooth hair like Rapunzel...Because v live at Malaysia... |
Hoho! Love this cutie small frog so much! He is Pascal (Rapunzel's pet)
He's actually abit similar to Chameleon, because he will change his skin colour according to his emotions..Cool, right?^^ |
He is Maximus..He has stimulated the whole story much more interesting and Funny! Haha!! |
We were at the cinema...Looks the surrounding..There were crowded with PEOPLE! |
Love this shot! ^^ |
We were queing up for buying soft drinks ..MANY PPL!!! Almost 10-15 minutes at here=.= |
Therefore, camwhore for ourselves ^_^
Having lunch at JACK'S PLACE:
A little bit dark.. |
We are ordering sets lunch , including bread, Coffee or tea (u may top up to switch to soft drinks or juice) , Soup of the day, the course meal, lastly with Jelly ^_^
Price REASONABLE too^^
The day of the soup~~ |
Mango Juice & Ice Lemon Tea |
Smile dao Not enough "Sunshine" La dear...LOLX!!! *Like im forcing u like that>.<* |
Mine : Grilled Boneless Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce |
His: Chicken & Mushroom Spagetti |
Is like the xmas tree falling down...Lolx!!! |
Playing Ipad tgther~~^^ |
GUess who are them? They are MyFM DJ and Host...I adore and admire them ^_^
I think they are talking abt a book that they published, called "Tian Tian Hao Tian"
Going back Home^^ *Thanks Ah dear*
~The End~
hi, just happened to chance upon this blog article..
pascal is a chameleon.. he's not a frog..
just letting you know =)
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