Memories of Ausmat In Sunway College...

It has been 3 days...Since I left Sunway, since I say goodbye to Ausmat, and since I say goodbye to all my beloved Friends...
At the begining of Ausmat, I came in alone, no friends, no relatives, no one I know...everything is so unfamilier to me, everything juz start frm ZERO...
I was a shy person so i dont get to get to know everyone so fast...then I met this guy, Min Shen...he was just like me, came here alone wifout any he is a vry well toking person, talks to me his background, his life, his BUSINESS!!! Wow~ No wonder he is so experienced in making friends with stranger(girls) XOXO
Then I met Kean Weng as my early friend in Sunway...the 1st image he given to me was a friendly person...but as time passes by, u knw la wat kind of person I'm going to say he was... XDXD
And then I started to mix around with the GANG! Gang Members at 1st there were: Lip Yong, Martin, Kean Weng, Zyu Wenn, Win Nie, Kit Yeng, and me perhaps...
But then one of te Member Kit Yeng Beh ta han and left the GANG! XD
So we decided to recruit more members to our gang! yeah~
Next I met this Botak guy Zi Hang a.k.a BaBy for Zyu coz, at the begining he was botak n so was I as we juz came back frm our common topic tat time was all about NS...n den dunno since whn he joined our gang and became baby of Zyu Wenn...n as his hair grow longer, his hamsap status also in increase higher...always get striped but he really enjoyed it! XD
Then I met Teong Guan a.k.a TTG during Applics class...tat time he was toking to me all abt cars here cars den i dont really knw abt I juz Oh Oh Oh, Oic Oic, Ya ar Ya ar, True lor True lor~ Lolx!!! Act know better den Act stupid ma... XD but then he is really a nice person to talk wif... ^^ n den TTG also slowly joined our GANG n became our GPS Driver~ Woah!!! Our dai lou and main organizer for various event~
After that I met Darren Ting Tong Kong in Applics class 1st we dont really hav common topics to chat wif, juz knw tat he is frm Sarawak! Woah~ den slowly we start to mix around wif the gang, talk abt gf, 38 thngs, hamsap thngs n etc etc...lolx~he is a vry Funny person la...sometimes emo too~ he has a name of Panda too, becoz he likes to eat Suger-Cane i think? XD
Then slowly I get to knw abt tis guy call Juen Sern a.k.a Retart for Zyu 1st I dont really knw him well n talk much to him 1stly becoz we dun hav any same class at all ler...sad weh~ 2ndly he is vry dai jek(big) ler...scared of him jor~ Haha, jk ni la js! Bt after Hang Out few times wif him and talk to him, I get to knw more abt him n he is a really nice guy, vry funny although sometimes is really Retart lar~ XOXO
And then this Martin Lau ar, at 1st I also dont really knw much about tis guy...only know he likes to fight wif Kean Weng..." Eh Kean Weng, I tell u ar~" XD he is a vry smart and intellegent person...likes to tell lame jokes~is a vry nice person to speak wif...
At last but not the least...the SUPER MIGHTY THREE!!! Why said this is becoz thy are the smart n super hardworking ones...Esspecially this Lip Yong ar, his fav statement... "aiyor, 99 marks ONLY mar~" Zzzzzz... He is So Good in Studies and Good in sports, summre always complain dun hav gf punye...lolx~Chill la bro, whn there's a way, there's a will...whn there's gurls, there's a gf for u...n no matter wat, u still hav us...the Crazy Sunway Gang!!!
Win Nie and Zyu Wenn were the kesian ones...always the only 2 gurls during hang out...but nvm lor hor...friends dont count boys or girls one ma...we are all the same! XD
Zyu Wenn...the small little princess living in the fairy tale finding her prince... XD always see her hanging the cute+a little bit stupid smile on her face tat make everyone calm n happy...n off coz her missarable super loud sound really is unstoppable n unforgetable...we'll miss u Zyu Wenn!
Win Nie ar Win Nie...the one always like to do everythng by herself...100% commitment!!! 100% helpful!!! 100% efficiency!!! O.O n becoz of tat always sacrifice her sleeping time n eating wins ar, dun ever forget u hav us that will always stand by here to help u k? 朋友是拿来利用的 好好利用us k~ XD hope in the future we still hav chance to help each other out! ^^
N one last thing, eat more n rest more lar~ hope to see u grow bigger n fatter nxt time i see u ya! XOXO and thx for paying for my parking ticket twice ya~ lolx!
At the begining of Ausmat, I came in alone, no friends, no relatives, no one I know...everything is so unfamilier to me, everything juz start frm ZERO...
I was a shy person so i dont get to get to know everyone so fast...then I met this guy, Min Shen...he was just like me, came here alone wifout any he is a vry well toking person, talks to me his background, his life, his BUSINESS!!! Wow~ No wonder he is so experienced in making friends with stranger(girls) XOXO
Then I met Kean Weng as my early friend in Sunway...the 1st image he given to me was a friendly person...but as time passes by, u knw la wat kind of person I'm going to say he was... XDXD
And then I started to mix around with the GANG! Gang Members at 1st there were: Lip Yong, Martin, Kean Weng, Zyu Wenn, Win Nie, Kit Yeng, and me perhaps...
But then one of te Member Kit Yeng Beh ta han and left the GANG! XD
So we decided to recruit more members to our gang! yeah~
Next I met this Botak guy Zi Hang a.k.a BaBy for Zyu coz, at the begining he was botak n so was I as we juz came back frm our common topic tat time was all about NS...n den dunno since whn he joined our gang and became baby of Zyu Wenn...n as his hair grow longer, his hamsap status also in increase higher...always get striped but he really enjoyed it! XD
Then I met Teong Guan a.k.a TTG during Applics class...tat time he was toking to me all abt cars here cars den i dont really knw abt I juz Oh Oh Oh, Oic Oic, Ya ar Ya ar, True lor True lor~ Lolx!!! Act know better den Act stupid ma... XD but then he is really a nice person to talk wif... ^^ n den TTG also slowly joined our GANG n became our GPS Driver~ Woah!!! Our dai lou and main organizer for various event~
After that I met Darren Ting Tong Kong in Applics class 1st we dont really hav common topics to chat wif, juz knw tat he is frm Sarawak! Woah~ den slowly we start to mix around wif the gang, talk abt gf, 38 thngs, hamsap thngs n etc etc...lolx~he is a vry Funny person la...sometimes emo too~ he has a name of Panda too, becoz he likes to eat Suger-Cane i think? XD
Then slowly I get to knw abt tis guy call Juen Sern a.k.a Retart for Zyu 1st I dont really knw him well n talk much to him 1stly becoz we dun hav any same class at all ler...sad weh~ 2ndly he is vry dai jek(big) ler...scared of him jor~ Haha, jk ni la js! Bt after Hang Out few times wif him and talk to him, I get to knw more abt him n he is a really nice guy, vry funny although sometimes is really Retart lar~ XOXO
And then this Martin Lau ar, at 1st I also dont really knw much about tis guy...only know he likes to fight wif Kean Weng..." Eh Kean Weng, I tell u ar~" XD he is a vry smart and intellegent person...likes to tell lame jokes~is a vry nice person to speak wif...
At last but not the least...the SUPER MIGHTY THREE!!! Why said this is becoz thy are the smart n super hardworking ones...Esspecially this Lip Yong ar, his fav statement... "aiyor, 99 marks ONLY mar~" Zzzzzz... He is So Good in Studies and Good in sports, summre always complain dun hav gf punye...lolx~Chill la bro, whn there's a way, there's a will...whn there's gurls, there's a gf for u...n no matter wat, u still hav us...the Crazy Sunway Gang!!!
Win Nie and Zyu Wenn were the kesian ones...always the only 2 gurls during hang out...but nvm lor hor...friends dont count boys or girls one ma...we are all the same! XD
Zyu Wenn...the small little princess living in the fairy tale finding her prince... XD always see her hanging the cute+a little bit stupid smile on her face tat make everyone calm n happy...n off coz her missarable super loud sound really is unstoppable n unforgetable...we'll miss u Zyu Wenn!
Win Nie ar Win Nie...the one always like to do everythng by herself...100% commitment!!! 100% helpful!!! 100% efficiency!!! O.O n becoz of tat always sacrifice her sleeping time n eating wins ar, dun ever forget u hav us that will always stand by here to help u k? 朋友是拿来利用的 好好利用us k~ XD hope in the future we still hav chance to help each other out! ^^
N one last thing, eat more n rest more lar~ hope to see u grow bigger n fatter nxt time i see u ya! XOXO and thx for paying for my parking ticket twice ya~ lolx!
We started frm stranger and became good Friends...
we start frm zero and became unlimited of our Friendship...
We started frm Sunway Ausmat...
Ended with with Memories that are sweet, happy and unforgettable...
Thanks for making my college life interesting n meaningful...
Thanks for willing to help me out whenever I'm in problem...
Thanks for all the happy and sweet memories tat u all given to me...
THANKS...for being my FRIENDS......
Thanks for willing to help me out whenever I'm in problem...
Thanks for all the happy and sweet memories tat u all given to me...
THANKS...for being my FRIENDS......
Although we have just met not more than 8 months...
But together we have formed a strong and unbreakable relationship....
And together we have been through happiness, sadness and emo-ness...
Although now is the time we separate and went to our own direction...
But our Friendship tat are so strong will never separate n will always stay within our heart...
And thanks to Mark Zuckerberg....
We hav facebook to always stay contact wif each other n spam until all our inbox and notification always full of all the shits... XD
Dont Worry my Friends, this is not the end yet...
As long as we are still alive, we are still Friends~
And we can always go hang out, yum cha, cheong k again in the future anytime!
For those I didnt mention above like Alex Boo, Anand, Jun Xiu, Joel, Kuna, Khean Ken, MeiYee, Li Li, Jamie, Benjamin, Xiang jiek, Zhe Ang, Ming Hoe, Yann Hwa, J-Anne and many many more, you'll knw u are one of thm if u're reading this...although I dont really get to knw u guys very well bt Thanks for being part of my memories in Sunway College...
I will remember u guys for life...
All the memories and laughter we had together...
It was the greatest tressure for me In Sunway College...
You guys are the best...
I'll miss all of u frm the bottom of my heart...
Take care and we shall meet again in the future!^^
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